Design Process
When contracting with Alvarez Architects Inc, we take the time to understand your needs and aspirations for your project. Our Process begins with our Pre-Design Consultation; this is a collaborative process where Josh will meet with you on-site to clearly understand the project's scope, goals, and constraints.
The outcome of our pre-design consultations will be a clear understanding of the project's requirements, constraints, and opportunities, which will inform the design process and help ensure that the final product meets your needs and expectations.
After this meeting, we will present you with our formal proposal to design your project and work with you through the following design phase.
Pre-Design Phase
During this phase, we will discuss programming as well as site conditions, and existing structures on the site. We will also review your goals and aspirations for the project. Alvarez Architects will then conduct local zoning and land use restrictions to provide real recommendations of what is possible on the property. Once both parties agree on the terms and scope of work Alvarez Architects will draw up a contract for their architectural services.
Schematic Design (SD)
During Schematic Design our design team will begin to analyze your wish list for the project and begin to incorporate them into the building. This may include sketches, As-Build drawings, preliminary site plans, floor plans, and Building Elevations. Preliminary HVAC, and plumbing systems will also be discussed.
Design Development (DD)
During Design Development our design team will create and provide you with detailed plans and elevations. At this phase, we will also introduce the necessary consultants to the project as we see fit. These may include, Structural Engineers, Energy Consultants, Landscape Architects, etc. By the completion of this phase, we will have both exterior and interior finishes picked out that will help us produce a more realistic cost of construction.
Construction Documents (CD)
During the Construction Document phase, Alvarez Architects will bring the design into reality. We will provide you with technical drawings, and project specifications. You will also receive two detailed sets of drawings, one will live on the construction site known as the “Construction Set” The other set we will send to local Authorities having jurisdiction over the project (city/ county) known as the permit set.
The Building Permit Phase
During this phase, we will submit the required application and construction documents to the city or county for review. This review process can take days for simple projects or months for more complex projects. Nevertheless, the process is essential to protect Architects, Builders, and property owners from dangerous construction errors.
Bidding and Negotiation Phase
During this phase, we will set up meetings between the Owner, Contactors, and Architect to review the construction documents approved by the city/county. Because most contractors seek projects that have already been approved and are ready to go these meetings will ensure we are able to get real and competitive bids.
Construction Observation Phase
During our Construction observation phase, we will visit the job site at critical intervals to make sure the design intent is being met. We will also review the shop drawing and Mock up per our contract. During this phase, we will be around to assist the contractor with any questions or additional clarification he/she may need.
Complimentary Services:
We can provide the following services to complement the Construction document set
Interior design
3D Rendering/ Walkthroughs to help visualize the space
Landscape Design
Detailed Bid Comparisons
Product Specific Evaluation