No one wants to spend money fixing a costly mistake that could have been avoided with planning and advice. Whether you are Remodeling or Building your home, there are 5 essential items that need to be considered to help guide your decisions. These tips will reduce the risk of starting construction to discover a significant oversight that needs correcting.
1. PLANNING: Your home is one of the largest, if not the most significant, investments in your life, so it's meant to last a long time …ideally forever. When building a New Home or Remodeling your current home, it is wise to plan out your family's future needs and wants. You should ask yourself... Is your family growing? Will you be working from home? Is your home where everyone gets together… so entertaining is essential? Is this a place you see yourself long-term…if so, is it equipped with user-friendly features such as curb-less showers, non-slip floors, and wide doorways/corridors? These are essential things to consider and ones that can save time and money in the future if planned.
2. SAFETY: Your home is a place to rest and feel safe. For this reason, it is crucial to plan things like egress routes, types of lights (interior and exterior), and security systems. These items will improve the safety and security you will feel in your new home.
3. THE BUDGET: The size of your home goes hand in hand with the budget. The bigger the house, the more it will cost to build it. The second item that will impact the budget is the style of home, whether American Colonia, Cape Cod, Cottage, Craftsman, Ranch, or Modern... these all vary in construction cost. Over the past year, the price to build a home in LA/Orange County has started between $200-$300 Per Square foot to a more custom / Luxury home that started between $350-$500+ per square foot. Creating a realistic budget will ensure that the project won't stop mid-construction.
4. Keep it GREEN: We only have one plant we call home so when building your new home on our planet, let's do what we can to make it a green home. Hundreds of green technologies will collect water and produce electricity that your architect can further educate you on so that you not only reduce pollution but also the energy cost of running your home.
5. PROFESSIONALS: Last but not least, when stepping into this journey, know that you don't have to go at it alone. Licensed professionals like Architects, Engineers, and contractors are here to help build your dream home. These individuals can make a world of difference in the planning and execution of your project.
Building your first home is a rewarding experience. Working with people you can trust and count on every step of the way will give you the confidence to make decisions knowing that skilled professionals are around to address and fix any issue that may arise.